CASHCO凱希柯 All Purpose - 123 & 123-1+6+S Differenti
he Model 123 is a relief regulator suitable as a back pressure regulator or bypass valve for controlling inlet pressure between 2 and 350 psig (.14 to 24.2 Barg) (525 psig (36.2 Barg) at 50% build-up). The body has an angle configuration with a side inlet and a bottom outlet. Sizes are 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/2" and 2" (DN15, 20, 25, 40 and 50). Available options include cryogenic construction, NACE construction and a large selection of trim, body and di a phragm materials. It is the most adaptable back pressure/relief regulator Cashco manufactures. OVERVIEW FEATURES M
型號123是一種減壓調節器,適用于 背壓調節器或旁通閥用于 將入口壓力控制在2至350 psig之間 (. 14至24.2巴)(50%時為525磅/平方英寸(36.2巴)) 積聚)。該主體具有成角度的構造 具有側面入口和底部出口。尺寸是 1/2英寸、3/4英寸、1英寸、1-1/2英寸和2英寸(DN15、20、25、40 和50)?捎眠x項包括低溫 建筑,NACE建筑和一個大 閥內件、閥體和阿迪膜片材料的選擇。 這是適應性***強的背壓/泄壓 監管機構Cashco制造。 概觀 特征 M